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Who am I?


London-based independent filmmaker & freelance videographer, with over a decade of experience in creative visual production.

I have been commissioned as a freelance videographer (to both shoot & edit) by several companies and institutions both in the UK and abroad, ranging from commercials, events, interviews and promos to name a few. I have produced several music videos, working with a variety of artists and bands from across the world.

I am also a passionate filmmaker with several short and feature film credits over the past few years, ranging from scriptwriter, director, D.O.P and editor, some of my work has been aired on TV and screened at festivals, including one theatrical release.

I am actively involved in film education and have taught with institutes such as the New Film Academy, Al Jazeera, Istanbul Media Academy, London Film School, National Youth Film Academy and currently with Raindance Film School.

My previous clients include:

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Companies I have worked for:

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